Wednesday, October 31, 2007

News! News!

We interupt Flashback Wednesday for some exciting news.


Baby A. has decided not to dress up for Halloween.

Instead, HE has just decided to be HIMSELF.

Yes, that's right, we are having a boy!!


Rachel said...

Congrats Deb! Boys are a lot of fun! Speaking of boys, I better go see what mine are up to, it's way too quiet!

Kurt and Kristy said...

Yea! Congrats! Not only is there a baby boom there is a boy baby boom!! How fun! We are so excited for you guys!

Joni Wiedrich said...

Oh, congrats!!! How fun! Our boys will be so close in age! I bet Casey is super excited. I know you just found out, but are you having as hard a time as we are coming up with a name? Congrats again!

Kristine said...

Deb I'm so happy for you guys! Boys are so much fun:)

Hope you enjoy your trip this week!

katielovie said...

oh congrats!! that's awsome!!

Christy said...

Congrats! I'm glad it was either a boy or a girl. I was worried when you were going to announce it on Halloween! ;)

Marlyce said...

Congratulations! How exciting. Now you don't have to worry about doing girly hairdo's.

wendysue said...

Yippee for trains, cars, dogs and dirt! Congrats!!

Tarver Family said...

How fun and congrats! I only guessed last time for a girl because everybody else seemed to be having a boy... but boys I am sure are fun too!

Hollie said...

Yippee! Congratulations!!!!! Let the name games begin! Luckily you have an nice, normal last name:) So, the possibilities are endless.

Audra said...

Yeahhhhhh! I am so happy for you guys!

Lacy said...

Wow it sounds like it is boy season in the mahoney ward! How exciting! Little Boys are so much fun!

Breanna said...

congrats on the baby boy!!! they are so much fun!!!