Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Is it that hard to breathe?

How are all of my lovelies doing today??? Hopefully full of autumn crisp air.

I've got something really serious to talk about today so take a breathe and relax. Last night I ran out of gas. It all started when Casey demanded that we go for a run. And if you know Casey at all, he can sure be demanding (in that non-demanding sort of way).

I reluctantly obliged because I feel it's my moral duty as a wife to always do what the husband says (ya know, in that don't do what the husband says sort of way).

Jonzy was excited to join in the fun because runs just don't happen that often around our house anymore. (You can guess who the true motivator is.... uh um... she's pregnant).

So we went to the local park dressed in our best & clean running attire (just because it's been awhile and we wanted to look G-o-o-d.)

I ran (Casey says I wasn't running, I was walking quickly) for a mile and I ran out of gas. I couldn't breathe anymore. Luckily I had my night and shining armour there to get me to the finish line. Thanks for walking the rest of the way, Jonzy.

Why is it that we can't breathe when we are pregnant?


Marlyce said...

Well, for one, your body is working over time and you are just tuckered out. But later on, you can't breathe cuz there just isn't room and your lungs have a hard time exhaling all of the air. Take a rest, you made me tired just reading it. Hope you and the little one are doing well!

Audra said...

brisk walking is better for mom and baby anyway!!! :)

wendysue said...

I had it explained to me this way. . .when you're just sitting there, your body is already working like you're climbing a mountain. . SO, when you're actually climbing a mountain (or running. . .) wowsers, that body is t.i.r.e.d.

Deb said...

I have to say, it's a little hard to slow down. I just want to be able to run until the end of my 2nd trimester. Oh well, gotta learn my limitations, right?

Joni Wiedrich said...

Just wait....it gets worse! And then when the baby is actually born, you'll realize that you can actually take a deep breath...finally!

Lindsey said...

I've heard it's because so much of your blood is going to your baby, so you don't get as much oxygen to your lungs and muscles as normal. Yeah, I was pretty good at working out until about a month ago, when the thought of getting on the eliptical machine was just repulsive, I couldn't work up the willpower. Just wait until the last couple of months when walking up the stairs feels like a major workout :)