Thursday, April 12, 2007

Yes, I'm going there

My second "mother" (I will tell you about that in a little bit) always said that I should never talk about religion or politics. With no one but your immediate family. But today I am going there. I figure if you don't want to hear about it, you can stop reading now.

My second "mother" is not the mother who raised and nurtured me, but is the mother of a very good friend. She was the "mother" I needed during the teenage years... the one I could tell ANYTHING without being reprimanded, but rather encouraged for EXPLORING the different ways of the world. Right or not, I needed that. She is a very classy lady and has always been very proper, but with raising 3 boys, she always had a great sense of humor and acceptance. (You know, you need that with 3 boys). I know that I eventually became her family because one day she started talking religion with me. SERIOUSLY?? Connie, I'm flattered. You want to talk about religion with ME? But really, it never got that deep, but she would always say... "I can't believe you go to BY-pew. Why would you want to do that?"

Anyways, onto politics. So I know that it's 2 years away, but I feel a great need to talk about the candidates for the upcoming presidential election. I feel there needs to be a great change in office (local and national, by the way... but we are focusing on national here). Now I know we haven't even had the primary yet, but I believe the strongest candidates are Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton & Mitt Romney. And you know what the fabulous thing about it is? They are all minorities. I think it's very likely that we will have a "first" for our President in 2008. God Bless America! That is why we have to love this country.

I by no means have made up my mind as to who I will vote for and ultimately I think it's way too soon to decide. I'm not the biggest fan of Hillary, but I will still give her some leeway. It's too early to shut her out. Did anyone catch Barack on David Letterman the other night? I just love his candor and openness. And how about Mitt... isn't he just great? C'mon, if he could pull off the SLC Olympics, then he can sure be president!

What are your thoughts so far? What is important to you in the upcoming elections?


Audra said...

I know what you mean about Hillary...I know some people who just like her because she is a woman...but she needs have more going than just that if she wants my vote. i like Barack as well and have to more research on Mitt. It will definitely be a historical election.

religion...I keep it very private and don't discuss it much. My faith is private as well...something I don't want to put out there for debate. I believe what I believe and that is that.

wendysue said...

I heard a funny one on

Something like this. . .It will be a huge year for politics we could have the first black president, first woman president, or the first woman president. Or we could just go for all three and vote for Gladys Knight!

Christy said...

I'm frankly having a hard time thinking about it this early.

wendysue said...

I just reread my comment and realized that it should say, the first black pres., first woman pres., or the first MORMON pres.

I return you now to your regular programming.