Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I love gouda!

I went to lunch with my friend Whitney today. We went to 1244 Deli (13th & South). It was yummilicious. I know it doesn't look like much, but it has GOUDA! That's right, gouda! MMMmmmm....


Anonymous said...

Did people think you were NUTS taking a picture of your lunch? haha!...seriously, did they? =)

Audra said...
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Audra said...

You are soooo funny- I love your pix and look forward to them!

Christy said...

Audra-too funny! I've taken some crazy pictures for my blog--mainly half finished knitting projects. I took a picture of part of a scarf in the middle of Times Square.

People do crazy stuff for the love of blogging!

Looks yummy, Deb!

Deb said...

Audra- It's all for the blog, baby! Yes, people probably thought I was nuts, but that's okay. Anything for Reader Appreciation month! :)

Anonymous said...

That got me thinking- I went out and took a picture of that stupid possum just for my blog- and my husband thought I was nuts- so I understand!!! by the way I love gouda!

Deb said...

Yeah, my first thought when I see something new/neat/unusual/cool is "I've got to take a picture for my blog." A picture just makes it so much better, ya know?