Thursday, March 08, 2007

Having a little fun with Photoshop

Here is the picture for March 8th: (and no, it's not my bday.... RS bday celebration-these are the centerpieces)

And yes, you have figured it out... I have more than one calling (Nursery, RS Enrichment, Stake Activity Planner, Home Teacher and Visiting Teacher.... like I have said before... just b/c I don't have kids doesn't mean I don't have anything to do!!)


Anonymous said...

All I can say is what my old bishop told me....
"Every calling has its own gifts and blessings!" Seemed appropriate given the photo of gifts!
I am in nursery too- and that's enough to overwhelm me so I can't imagine what its like for you. You will be rewarded- though! I promise! =)

Deb said...

Oh, I love it... it's just a little busy sometimes. Nursery is great and I learn so much from those kiddos.