Thursday, March 22, 2007

Enough said


Audra said...

HAHAHAHA! I drove by that today and McKynna read it out loud! i was shocked- even more so when Kwynn asked what that meant! It was a funny moment!

wendysue said...

That totally reminds me of a car wash/vacuum place in Provo with a sign I saw that said

"our vacuums really SUCK!"

Christy said...

This is even better (or worse) than the Uncle Sam pic!

JULIE said...

was this really in Lincoln?? That has got to intentional!!

Audra said...

A few years ago in Grand Island, at one of the parochial schools- their sign said- "The best position is on your knees."

Deb said...

Audra- What did you tell McKynna when she asked you?

Wendy- There was a paint store on University Ave. that always had funny sayings... do you remember that one.

Christy- Uncle Sam and this sign are friends.

Julie- Yes, 48th & Normal.

Audra- That is horrible... but funny! :)

Hollie said...

Audra, I totally saw that sign in, but I remember it in Lincoln!

Audra said...

At first I didn't know she was asking about a sign- i thought Kwynn was repeating something she heard and then McKynna was asking about that- I stalled until I saw the sign and then quickly explained cars need oil changes! I was the only one who mistook what she said- they had no idea it could mean something else. We'll save that talk for a few years! :0)

Deb said...

Good job Audra.... I think I would have busted a gut!