Tuesday, September 12, 2006

MMMMmmmm Good!

Does anyone else out there LOVE these as much as me? This is all I crave lately. Whatever happened to chocolate? I love these, I cherish them... I won't share them! And when they go on sale at the store... for under $2, I go nuts!! I'm sure the person at the checkout is wondering what I'm going to do with 10 boxes of Scooby-Doo! Fruit Snacks. I could pass for a preschool teacher or a day care supervisor, right? Okay, maybe not... so I'm coming clean. I'm addicted to Scooby snacks!


wendysue said...


Hollie said...

hummmmm, craving, going crazy at the grocery store??? Are you???? hahaha just kidding.

My favorite fruit snacks are the generic Kroger brand. They remind me of 5th grade when we used to pass them around class and be super sneaky so the teacher wouldn’t catch us. That’s how I met my best friend.

Hollie said...

Deb we need more! It's been almost two weeks!