Monday, August 14, 2006

Ode to Casey

Casey is out of town right now and there is nothing like realizing how much a person does until they're gone. Casey mows the yard every single time and I had no idea it was such a chore! Growing up on over 3 acres, we had a riding lawn mower so I never learned the art of a push mower. So I decided to be brave and try mowing the lawn today. I did okay, but my mowing patterns are not nearly as nice as Casey's. It looks like I walked around in crazy eights or something. I'm too OCD to mow the lawn... I want every blade cut perfectly. I decided half way thru that this was not possible. I finished one hour later and only having my neighbor, Mike, help me once. I miss you, Casey... come home!!!



Hollie said...

Sad, when does Casey come home? I'm starting to miss having Ryan around too. He's now back in school.

Deb said...

He gets back tonight and it hasn't been so bad... I just have to keep Jonzy busy so I don't go insane. We have been running, visiting the pet store, etc.

Good times! Ryan is back to the grind, eh? You can do it. Only 3 more years, right?